enimies of shadow warrior

name description pic
evil ninja
  • brown-normal
  • red- shoots small rockets at you
  • green-partially invisable, fires two types of magical napalm, and will flash bomb you
  • orange-fires heat seeker-rockets

  • silver-fires grenades
    coolie carries a box of explosives and will explode when it comes up to you, will also sometimes spawn a ghost.
    ripper an animal that rips you heart and has a tougher brown cousin the big,big, ripper, they will some times spawn a ripper heart.
    little ripper shoots green blob at you and is smaller than the big ripper and will not spawn hearts.
    gaurdian green monster thing that shoots fire at you and will use a machete to kill you, will also spawn weapon but spawns gaurdian head.
    lady ninja shoots arrows at you and throws sticky mines, easy to kill!
    koi a killer fish, nuf said
    hornet  just attacks you, use uzi
    killer  rabbit a white monty pythin style killer rabbit that will attack you
    accursed head  comes towords you and explodes,nuf said
    bouncing betty mine that fires grenade(s) in various directions

    serpent boss a snake like creature that spawns accursed heads chops you up and fires green ooze at you.
    sumo boss farts and stomp the ground to attack you.
    zilla big robot guy that 5 heat seekers at at time(ending boss)